Swiss Street Art Festival 2023: Over 650 registrations

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At the closing date for entries on November 1, 2022, the initiators of the Street Art Festival in Frauenfeld counted over 672 registered artists from 57 countries, including 95 from Switzerland. Monika and Marco Niedermann would not have expected that the festival would also receive so much international response. At the same time, the great interest shows that the still young type of art is being listened to all over the world and is at the cutting edge. To ensure that the available objects find suitable artists and that they are well looked after before and during the festival, the team of curators was expanded with the Swiss artist “ELF”. In addition, façade owners who would be happy to receive a work of art worth CHF 20,000.00 and more will have the opportunity to contact the organizers. Just like individuals or families who would like to get up close and personal with the artists and host them over a short period of time.

No one expected that. Shortly after the opening of registrations, the registration pool filled up daily with new artists and even now, after the deadline, more are arriving who have to be rejected with a heavy heart. 672 included Monika and Marco Niedermann, who process all inquiries promptly and answer specific questions. “We were surprised not only by the great interest in participating,” say the pair of organizers. “We were also impressed by the high quality of the reference works of art submitted by the artists.”

So many works of art at a single festival would go beyond the scope and minimize the value and attention of each individual. Between 50 and 60 creations are therefore planned, which can be admired in Frauenfeld over a period of at least three months.

Hustle and bustle at the curation workshop in StadtLabor Frauenfeld

Free artwork for Frauenfeld façade owners

A façade can be presented as a white, grey or other coloured wall or as a unique work of art, which usually costs a five-figure sum. In view of the upcoming street art festival, homeowners who want to have their walls, garage or blind window upgraded with art can apply for a work of art. At no cost and in collaboration with the curators, so that art and object are coordinated. For more information and examples, see “Art is looking for a façade”.

Up close and personal with artists

Switzerland, Brazil, Spain, Sweden, Australia — wherever the artists come from, they will stay in Frauenfeld for up to a week and more, depending on the size, effort and time management of their works of art. For people who are open, have a bed available, and want to exchange ideas with creative minds and network internationally, the Streetart Festival offers a good opportunity to do so. If you are interested, please contact us at with a short email.

Curator growth

In addition to Swiss street art artists Taina and Pase, ELF is now on board. She too has been on the scene for a long time, can be found at countless international festivals and, with her unique oneliner style, is repeatedly booked for assignments around the world — Australia, Malaysia, Italy, Gambia, USA, Germany, England or Sweden. She also works on commissions for private collectors and is represented at various exhibitions. Full of ideas, drive and expertise, she complements the team of curators for the Street Art Festival in Frauenfeld. ELF lives in Zurich and Gambia.


Pro Street Art Switzerland Association

The “Pro Streetart Schweiz” association is a non-profit organization and aims to promote street art in Switzerland and to offer artists the opportunity to revive public space with their art within a legal and approved framework.

The association was founded by Monika and Marco Niedermann and connects street art artists in Switzerland and partly on the international stage. The founding couple, who live and work in Frauenfeld, are the initiators of the Street Art Festival in Frauenfeld.

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