Registration for guided tours & workshops

Guided tour, street art tour, CHF 15.-
June 2 - 4, 2023

Guided tour with the highlights of the open-air exhibition, duration approx. 90 min. The tours are organized by our event partner Thurgau Tourism.
Also available on request after the opening ceremony.

Start times:

Friday, June 2nd: 14:00/14:30,
Saturday, June 3:10.00/10.30/14.00/14.30
Sunday, June 4:10.00/10.30/14.00/14.30

Book a guided tour now

Sticker workshops, CHF 15.-
June 2 - 4, 2023

Learn how to design stickers yourself. Right with the professionals, the guys from Brainfart - who, by the way, designed the cool key visual of the Frauenfeld street art festival. So this is THE chance to get tips and tricks from the big players. So go ahead and register quickly, places are limited.


Friday, June 2nd: 14:00 - 15:00
Sunday, June 4th: 14:00 - 15:00

Sign up for Friday's workshop
Sign up for Saturday's workshop