The line-up of the Swiss Street Art Festival 2023: Strong cast with diverse art and styles

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34 murals, 16 jam panels, 15 art installations and various workshops for the population: With this spectrum of art, the Frauenfeld Street Art Festival mutates into the most diverse and probably largest of its kind in Switzerland. National greats such as Bane, One Truth and LPVDA as well as many other Swiss artists create impressive paintings, frescoes, moss graffiti and installations in the Thurgau cantonal capital. The fact that the street art festival is also attracting great international interest is shown by the participation of world-renowned and partly celebrated street art makers such as Slim Safont, Chinagirl Tile, Anetta Lukjanova and Thiago Goms.

Frauenfeld has been internationally known since the call for participation in the Street Art Festival at the latest. At least in the street art scene. Of a total of 686 applications, 577 came from countries around the world. Including Canada, USA, various Countries of South America, Africa, Thailand, Australia, Hawaii, Japan, Indonesia, India and all of Europe. But at the first street art festival in Frauenfeld, national artists in particular are in the spotlight. From the opening weekend of June 2-4, 2023, they will liven up the city with other artists from Germany, Austria, Italy, Brazil, Belgium, Holland, Sweden and Finland.

Interplay of artwork and building

Public art not only breathes more life and color into a city. Well staged, it is an asset and harmonizes with the stories of the buildings and the surrounding area. Art is also communication. A dialogue with the location. Monika and Marco Niedermann, the initiators of the festival, as well as the Frauenfeld City Council, are convinced of this. When choosing the artists, care was therefore taken to achieve the best possible interplay of all factors.

paint, wood, moss, wool, etc.

Facades of several square meters, smaller walls and gray walls change their monochrome dress for a more colorful and spectacular one. In Frauenfeld, however, it is not just spray cans and brushes that are used. LPVDA, for example, creates unique frescoes in wooden walls with his simple sanding machine, Philip Wallisfurth creates his work of art from moss, and materials such as wool, ceramics, bamboo and tapes are used in the installations.

Art paintings for seniors

Residents of the Reutenen retirement settlement were able to get a taste of artificial air even before the festival. The management and board involved her in the process of creating the painting, which is being created in her residence as part of the Street Art Festival, and launched a competition. A total of ten artists submitted sketches, which were put to the vote. Finland's Anetta Lukjanova won.

Unique generation project

The Park retirement center is also receiving a work of art. And in a special way. The Cup of Color artist collective gives residents unforgettable moments, because they can help create part of the painting with their grandchildren. Even before the street art festival, the youngest with their grandparents and with brush and paint transform the wall into a joint work of art.

Workshops, stickers and merchandising

In order to bring street art closer to the population and all visitors, various workshops are being organized. Details about this, as well as options to purchase stickers and other items, will follow at a later date.

The complete Line-up with all artists can be found here.

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