World champions, street art beer, art through sounds, live performances, workshops...

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On Friday, June 2, 2023 at 12.00 p.m., the time has come. The street art festival in Frauenfeld is officially opened. Visitors can expect a lot of art and culture with a diverse supporting program: stickers and graffiti Workshops, live paintings, ping pong beer coasters and various live concerts. These include the famous beatboxers ZeDe (World Champion) and Denis (Swiss Champion) as well as Marcel Munz, who delivers fireworks of rhythm, color and art. Even the youngest children are catered for. The creative corner is waiting for them, where they can let off steam. Perhaps when parents take part in a guided tour organized by Thurgau Tourism.

Unofficially, the street art festival has begun in Frauenfeld, as the open-air gallery has already taken shape with the first murals. To ensure that all art paintings and installations are ready by June 2, artists are now arriving daily and getting to work. Not without excited glances from interested citizens, who can actively exchange ideas and exchange ideas with the artists here and there.

What's on at the festival?

With the framework program All visitors are given the opportunity to dive deeper into the motivations and art styles of street art. You can experience first-hand how works of art are created during live painting with Naomi Garde & Anne Labadie or at the Street Art Jam, you can do artistic work yourself at graffiti and sticker workshops and can dance or simply enjoy yourself at parallel concerts. And this with free admission.

highlights are certainly the beatbox brothers ZeDe and Denis as well as Marcel Munz, who is launching his European tour MUTREA exclusively for the street art festival in Frauenfeld. In his live show, Munz creates a painting with sounds, rhythms, light and color and merges the elements together.

Culinary delights from Frauenfeld's gastronomic scene

At the festival, several restaurants also offer special street food and other delicacies, which they create especially for this occasion. Miski Takiy, for example, serves Peruvian street food and drinks at Zeitlos im Hansi.

And what would a street art festival be without beer, thought the Brauhaus and the Bischoff Micro Brauerei, which spoil guests with a festival or bombing beer over the course of three days.

Click here for Opening Ceremony Program And here to festival card

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