Hey Buddy!

You make it possible

With your membership in the association “Pro Streetart Frauenfeld”, you make the street art festival in Frauenfeld possible. In return, you'll benefit from cool goodies and a colorful city.

Participate actively? Only if you like.

Don't worry, you don't have to actively get involved. We are pleased to have you as a buddy in the background of our club. However, if you are motivated to get actively involved, feel free to contact us!

1. Your membership

All memberships listed here are automatically renewed for another year after a period of one year. So every year you get an invoice for the annual membership fee, together with the cool sticker pack. Membership can be canceled at any time. You can find the statues here.

2. Your address

Wir listen gerne all unsere Buddies auf der Webseite auf. Ist das für dich OK?

3. Done

It's cool. That worked.

Thank you for signing up for membership!

You will soon receive your membership invitation by post. Until then, we wish you lots of inspiration and artistic moments.

Colourful greetings from the street art headquarters!

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